
Victoria Beckham Hairstyles - An Exploration of Techniques

Victoria Beckham Hairstyles - An Exploration of Techniques

Victoria Beckham first catapulted into fame when she was a characteristic "Posh Spice" of the Spice Girls. As the group disbanded, Victoria pursued various career paths, including a solo career in singing, fashion, business, and even writing. Victoria Beckham is clearly a multitalented woman that continues to impress the public year after year. But her talent is not the only reason for her fame.

The critics and the media are always amazed at Victoria Beckham's hairstyles. It seems that she never gets a bad hair day. It must be her highly developed fashion sense, or her naturally beautiful hair. But any expert in the world of hairstyling will doubt these explanations. The fundamental principle of good hairstyling lies in the face shape. Surprisingly, the Victoria Beckham hairstyles seem to defy the admonitions and precautions for her particular face shape.

Victoria Bechkam's hairstyles based upon her face shape

Victoria Beckham has a heart-shaped face. There is the characteristic widow's peak at the center, which is not very obvious on Victoria Beckham's face. The forehead is wider than the normal proportions. Normally, the cheeks should be significantly wider than the forehead. But for women like Victoria Beckham, the forehead is almost as wide as the cheeks. At the same time, the chin is narrow and pointy. The pointy chin, with the right hairstyles, will look utterly feminine. With the wrong hairstyles, the same chin will appear like the sword of Damocles. The different Victoria Beckham hairstyles, throughout the years, seem to easily address the visual problems of the wide forehead and the narrow chin. But she does not do it by following the classic advices.


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