
How To Select The Best Lighting For Perfect Make-Up Done?

How To Select The Best Lighting For Perfect Make-Up Done?

It often happens that make-up made in the bathroom looks bad in the day light - it is too strong and looks like a mask.

Why it happens? It's all about proper lighting. Light bulb mounted above the mirror tends to change the image of the face that we see in the mirror. Therefore, we put to much foundation base, rouge and other beauty cosmetics.

Below: examples of non-uniform lighting - to avoid! :)
examples of bad face lighting when trying to put perfect make-up

The easiest way to do a perfect make-up is when the lamp is located on both sides of the mirror or in front of your face.

examples of good face lighting when trying to put perfect make-up
Face is uniformly illuminated from the right and left

No way to change the lighting in the bathroom? Don't worry! Put make-up near to the window or simply apply less foundation than usual. If it is possible, you may also like to complete the make-up at work, while at home you limit the make-up to the minimum: powder your face and apply mascara only.


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