
7 Basic Everyday Health Tips

“He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.” -Arabian Proverb

  1. Move extra: Make it a daily challenge to find ways to move your body. Climb stairs if given a choice between that and escalators or elevators. Play with your kids; throw balls with friends, trim the lawn. Anything that moves your limbs is not only a fitness tool, it’s a stress buster. Think ‘move’ in small increments of time. It doesn’t have to be an hour in the gym. But that’s great when you’re up to it. Meanwhile, move more.

  2. Cut Fat: Avoid such as fried foods, burgers and other fatty meals. Dairy products such as cheese, cottage cheese, milk and cream should be eaten in low fat versions. Nuts and sandwich meats, mayonnaise, margarine, butter and sauces should be eaten in limited amounts. Most are available in lower fat versions such as substitute butter, fat free cheeses and mayonnaise.

  3. Give up Smoking: Smoking is harmful to your health.

  4. Reduce Stress: Easier said than done, stress busters come in many forms. Some techniques recommended by experts are to think positive thoughts. Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like. (i.e; walk on the beach or in a park; read a good book; visit a friend; play with your baby; listen to soothing music; watch a funny movie. Get a massage, a facial or a haircut. Meditate. Count to ten before losing your temper or getting aggravated. Avoid difficult people when possible.

  5. Protect Yourself from Pollution: If you can’t live in a smog-free environment, at least avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares. Exercise indoors in air conditioning when air quality is good. It’s a good pollution and dirt from the street deterrent.

  6. Floss Your Teeth: Recent studies make a direct connection between longevity and teeth flossing. Nobody knows exactly why. Perhaps it’s because people who floss tend to be more health conscious than people who don’t? Thought for the day: Floss and be your body’s boss.

  7. Keep a optimistic Mental point of view: There’s a definitive connection between living well and healthfully and having a cheerful outlook on life.

How To Grow Hair Long And Beautiful

long hair tipsDo you envy someone with beautiful long hair? Well, it will be not be the same anymore. Know the secrets of how to grow hair long and beautiful.

Neena cut her hair short without much thought. Now she is feeling bad about her drastic makeover. She did not like the hair cut her hairstylist gave her. She was so excited to get a new look that she chopped off her hair without worrying much about how it would go along her personality. Now she longs for her hair to grow long. If you are sailing in the same boat as Neena, thishair growing guide will surely help you to get long hair quickly.

Trim hair frequently

It is important to trim your hair once in three months. Not trimming your hair for long time will surely lead to split ends. Hair grows by about 12 cm every year. Male hair grows more quickly than female hair. You must have noticed that your dad or your brother visit the salon once in a month to chop their hair. Regular trimming prevents hair from getting damaged. If you are thinking that you should keep a pair of scissors away from your hair, then you are wrong. A pair of scissors once in a while will save you a fortune.

Conditioning is important

Are you dreaming to get lustrous long locks? Are you craving for silky hair? To induce hair growth you need to understand how to condition your hair properly. Make it a routine to apply a good quality conditioner after shampooing your hair. Deep conditioning is the secret to get healthy looking hair. Well maintained hair grows fast. Keep your hair clean and see them growing day by day.

Oil your hair

No, you need not need to apply oil and step out of the house. Remember, applying oil does not have any other substitute. If you want long and healthy hair, you have to apply oil. Massage your scalp with warm oil once or twice a week. For best results keep it overnight. Coconut hair oil helps hair grow faster. Almond hair oil is a great source of vitamin E, which is beneficial for hair growth. Tonight ask your hubby to give you a soothing hair massage and let your hair down.

Say yes to natural hair

If you are using a blow dryer after each and every wash, just throw it away, dump it or get rid of it. Heat appliances are responsible for most of the hair damage. Let you hair dry naturally. You will get long hair when you do something to boost its growth. Curling irons, straightening irons, and blow dryers slow down your hair growth. Start to Love your natural hair and you will never experience problems like hair fall and dry hair.

Avoid chemical treatments

Avoid using harsh chemicals on your hair. All hair colouring products make use of chemicals such as peroxide. Instead make use of natural hair colouring methods. Apply henna and get instant shine in your hair instead of suffocating it of harsh chemicals. Chemicals hinder the growth of the hair. Frequent use of the chemicals will have adverse effects on your hair.

Eat balanced food

Healthy and balanced diet is what you need to grow your hair long in less time. Do not opt for crash diets and do not go on fasting for long time. Have three to four small meals through out the day and include food from every major food group to receive maximum amount of nutrients. For good hair try whole meal products, eggs, liver, kidneys, vitamin D, herrings, salmon, carrots, green vegetables, and vitamin C. Eat right and get long healthy tresses.

Hair growing tips

The ultimate truth about hair growth is ‘just wait and watch’. There is no such magic wand that will turn your bob hair to knee length. But that does not mean you can not boost the growth of your hair. Here are some tips to get healthy hair. If your tresses are healthy they will grow faster.

  • Sleep well and get minimum eight hours of sleep every day.
  • Do not comb your hair when they are wet. Do not harshly rub your hair with towel.
  • Drink plenty of water. Carry a water bottle every where you go and keep sipping through out the day.
  • Do not wash your hair daily. Let the natural conditioner show its magic.
  • Do not wash your hair with hot water. If possible use cold water while shampooing your hair.
  • Use good quality protective hair serum with SPF (sun protection factor) before stepping out in the sun.
  • Do not do up hairstyles that will put pressure on you hair like tight braids and french twist. Make use of good quality hair accessories.
  • You may consider vitamin supplements with the consultation of your doctor that will help you to grow your hair fast.

Do not worry much. Just do whatever you can do to get your hair growing. If you are thinking that one fine day you will wake up and find your self having beautiful long mane, then you need to step out of your world of fantasies. Be patient, wait and wait some more. Soon you will be flaunting yourlong hair. Then it will be time for others to go green with envy and wish that they had long hair just like yours. Are you thinking of having a hair massage tonight? Well, good luck!

Why Fasting To Lose Weight Is A Bad Idea

Fasting is usually regarded as a spiritual practice, but sometimes, it is also associated with weight loss. While fasting for a day could help the body eliminate toxins, and use the fat in the body tissues as fuel, fasting for more than three days generates health problems. Plus, fasting to lose weight is a bad idea because the hunger you will experience will make you eat more afterwards, just to compensate for what was lost during the fasting. Let’s see the most common questions related to fasting and why fasting to lose weight is a bad idea.

What is fasting

Fasting can have different meanings, as some see it as refraining from food altogether, and from water as well, while others see it as refraining only from solid foods, or meat, or other products. The broader meaning is that of refraining from food over a certain period of time, meaning that you can still hydrated with plenty of water, in order to reduce the bad effects of fasting on the body. Physicians recommend you avoid fasting for more than three days, as your body will only have to suffer as a result.

Fasting and weight loss

Imagine a day without any food. Your body will still have to burn fuel in order to function, and the main target will be the fat stored in its tissues. It sounds like a great idea for weight loss, as we seldom hear that in order to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than the daily intake. How about if the intake is equal to zero calories? You cannot go lower than that, so maybe you think right now: “What a brilliant idea!” But is it? It is true that your body will lose some weight on the spot, but there are no guaranteed long term effects, and you will soon learn why fasting to lose weight is a bad idea.

Why fasting cannot serve as a weight loss plan

Fasting for more than a few days will cause a series of bad effects on the body, and it cannot serve as a weight loss plan either. Here are the main points why fasting to lose weight is a bad idea.

1. First, when you refrain from eating food, this will be a signal for the body that there is a famine coming, and the metabolism will slow down in order to preserve energy.

2. Second, while in the beginning the body will turn to the stored fat to use as fuel, next will come your muscles, and the general look will begin to deprecate, along with your health.

3. Third, fasting even for a few days can cause weight gain, instead of weight loss, because when you will return to your regular eating habits, the body will start to store fuel, in order to face better another starving session.

Other bad effects of fasting on the body include loss of calcium – which is essential for people under 20, and for those over 40 – , increase of potential for illness, bad breath, build up of toxins, and a general sensation of lethargy and lack of energy to carry even daily duties.

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Common Naill Problems

nail care problemsAre your nails perfectly healthy? Read on to learn about some of the common nail disorders that affect people.

Your nails are not just present for cosmetic purposes. They serve an important function of protecting the delicate tips of your fingers. Therefore, having healthy nails is not only aesthetic, but also beneficial for your hands as well. Nails are subjected to a lot of wear and tear on a daily basis. Daily activities such aswashing clothes and utensils tend to strip away the protective cover of your nails. This leaves the delicate nails exposed to the elements.

Nail problems usually do not appear instantly. They build up over time before they are actually noticed by the individual. Although many disorders are due to external factors, some problems may be a result of internal conditions or as a side effect of illness. Here are some of the most commonly encounterednail problems.

Discoloured Nails

This is one of the most recognisable nail problems. At some point or the other, everyone experiences this disorder. ‘Discoloured’ is a term given to nails that have lost their original colour. These nails may turn yellow, blue, red, green, or purple. The discolouration may be present in only part of the nail or it may be seen in the entire nail.

Discolouration of nails can occur for a variety of reasons. The most common cause is poor blood circulation. This is synonymous with heart problems, hence, people with a heart condition will often display nail discolouration. Poor blood circulation is also related to trauma. This happens when blood gets trapped between the layers of the nail, for example if the nail is caught between drawers.

For nail discolouration caused due to trauma, the discolouration grows out along with the nail. In other cases, discolouration needs to be examined, and the underlying cause determined. If discolouration is a side effect of medication, your doctor may suggest withdrawal of the medicines for a while. Physically, discolouration may be covered up by applying nail polish or using artificial nails.

Eggshell Nails

In this condition, the nails become so fragile that even slight pressure exerted on them causes damage. The nails themselves are extremely thin and fragile, which gives them their name. As the nails grow, they tend to curve over the tip of the finger, rather than grow straight ahead. This makes them more susceptible to breakage.

Eggshell nails are usually caused by a combination of stress and poor diet. This deprives the nails of their necessary vitamins and minerals. In some cases, fragile nails may be caused due to prescribed medication, which affects the supply of nutrients tothe nail . Eggshell nails are usually dealt with by trimming them on a regular basis. This keeps the nails short and prevents them from growing over the fingers. Simultaneously, a change in diet or medication will also be required. This is to bring the nails back to their original healthy state.

Ingrown Nails

This condition mostly affects toenails. Ingrown nails are those that grow into the sides of the skin surrounding the nail. Thus, the nail grows sideways instead of forwards. Ingrown nails are usually caused due to improper nail-cutting and filing techniques. It may also occur due to the usage of improper footwear, which pressesthe nail into the foot. A third cause is due to injury to the foot, around the nail region.

Most cases of ingrown nails involve the big toe on either foot. Other nails may also be affected but this is not as common. If an ingrown nail is not treated in the early stages, it leads to more problems later on. An untreated nail continues to grow deeper into the skin, causing intense pain and suffering. Treatment of this condition is by removing the ingrown nail. In the early stages, the ingrown nail may be removed by a pedicure at a beauty parlour. If the nail has grown too deep, then it can only be extracted through surgery.

Nail problems are very common and affect most people at some point in their life. If left untreated, most problems can have painful consequences. It is important to recognise the early signs of these problems so that you can seek the appropriate treatment options.
