
Natural recipes for healthy and beautiful hair

Natural recipes for healthy and beautiful hair

Homemade hair treatments

Would you like to improve your hair? Do you wish to make them stronger, healthier and shiny? Before you spend a fortune on different professional treatments and cosmetics, try those natural, homemade recipes for beautiful hair.

If you are a BLONDE, you should try a chamomile rinse to make your hair stronger and to help them to regenerate faster.

How to prepare a camomile rinse:
you should find camomilla flowers in a pharmacy or at an herbalist. You should put two tablespoons of camomile in a big container (not a plastic one!) and pour a liter of boiling water. Then wait until the water will change the color and become cooler (it is something similar to tea brewing ;-) When ready, filter the brew. You should rinse hair with the camomile brew after each hair washing.

This treatment will make your blond hair bright and shining. You may like to use chamomile shampoo as well to have healthy hair.

If you are a BRUNETTE, you should try to rinse you hair with:

- For auburn / chestnut - colored hair and for honey - colored hair: black tea brew, onion peel brew (the preparation is similar to the camomile brew)
- For brown hair: oak bark brew (probably the easiest way is to buy a ready product in a pharmacy/ at an herbalist) and rinse hair after hair washing.

Those simple homemade treatments will help to make your hair shiny regardless to its colour. Moreover, natural substances that are present in herbs proposed by us have natural properties to intensify your natural hair coloration.


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