
Stress And Hair Loss How To Prevent Coming Out Of Hair

Stress And Hair Loss
How To Prevent Coming Out Of Hair

One of the most common reasons for sudden hair loss is too much stress in a short period of time or due to stressful events, like important and difficult exams, bereavement, divorce etc.

In this case, coming out of hair is usually temporary. Hair should stop falling out soon after the tension goes down and it will grow back with time.

If you are in stressful circumstances for a long time, for example because of your job, school or relationships, stress can cause hair loss over time. In this case, the best way to prevent shedding of hair is to eliminate or, at least, to reduce these things in your life and to change your lifestyle to a more healthy one.

There are several ways to reduce stress level:

  • find out what makes you stressed and evaluate the amount of stress that you experience on a daily basis
  • discover the way to eliminate or reduce stress causes
    Change your job? Change your flat? Quit bad relationships? Improve relationships? Etc...
  • facing stress in everyday life is inevitable, but identifying its causes and coming up with solutions for it is the first and important step towards better life
  • have a rest or a small nap more often, sleep enough
  • integrate physical activity in your life. You can exercise 15 minutes a day, important that you like it. You can go to gym, swimming pool or have a walk in a park near to your house - choose what you like the most, because it should relax you, not become another stress factor ;)
  • you may also like to try relaxation techniques as yoga or meditation
  • improve your diet: include fresh fruit and veggies that are full of natural vitamins and minerals, good quality protein products that are important to rebuild your hair (meat, fish, eggs etc), eat products that contain magnesiumwhich is very helpful when dealing with stressful situations - it relax your nerves and muscles. You can find magnesium in spinach, pumpkin raw seeds, broccoli, halibut, salmon, tuna, sesame and sunflower seeds.
  • Have more fun in life and think positively, relax

Please note, that coming out of hair can be caused not only by stress, but also by genetic reasons or physical reasons, such as hormonal imbalance. Including those tips will make you stay better and it will help to prevent hair loss in all cases, however if you loose too much hair over time, you should consult your doctor to find out the real causes of hair loss and to give you the right cure in case hair is falling out not because of excessive stress only.


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